Join or renew your membership in the Planned Giving Forum of Greater Sacramento, our local planned giving professional association, for just $75 annual membership dues, and you'll unlock valuable membership benefits.
As a chapter of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP), your PGFGS membership will be paid and processed through the CGP website.
When you join, you will also be given the opportunity to join the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners for an additional $225 in addition to the PGFGS dues (optional).
Questions or need help? Contact us:
Unique Membership Benefits
Enhance your Organization’s Expertise and Knowledge - Broaden or enhance your knowledge on planned giving best practices, strategies, and financial, estate and tax laws to better serve your donors and organization.
Strengthen your resume and increase your employment opportunities. Receive access to event/presentation materials.
Exclusive access to Planned Giving Forum local job link and scholarship opportunities.
Discounted Event Registration - Attend Planned Giving Forum programs as well as special workshops and trainings at a discounted rate.
Ask An Expert - Our Board is here to provide you with personal advice for any questions you have related to the world of planned giving. Ask an Expert! is now available through the member portal to connect you with our panel of experts. Ask an Expert today!
Network with Like-Minded Professionals - Connect with professional colleagues to share your experiences, success, challenges as it related to charitable giving practices and planned gifts.
Identify with the Highest Standards of Professional and Ethical Conduct - Membership in the Planned Giving Forum of Greater Sacramento indicates to colleagues, advisors and donors that you believe in, support and adhere to ethical gift planning through the Model of Standards of Practice for the Charitable Gift Planner.