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This Statement of the terms of your engagement of (hereinafter “we”, “us”, "Developer", "" or “the Company”) is an integral part of any service the Company provides, and all of which will become effective when authorized representative(s) of Client (hereinafter “you” or “the Client”) have agreed to work with the Company.

To the extent any agreement contains any terms that are inconsistent with those contained herein, the latest Terms information will control. This statement sets forth the standard terms of the Company’s engagement as your web services provider. Unless modified in writing by mutual agreement, these terms will be an integral part of the Company’s agreement with you and will apply to all projects that the Company works on for you. Therefore, the Company asks that you review this statement carefully and contact the Company promptly if you have any questions. We suggest that you retain a copy of this statement in your file.

© 2025 ​Planned Giving Forum of Greater Sacramento
Elk Grove, CA 95624